7/13/2022: And we are off. Thank you Yale Psychiatry for being a wonderful home for the lab for 9 years.

4/12/2021: Heather putting in a Neuropixels probe, under a high-stress condition with the PI watching.

1216/2020: Lab got competitive in Skribbl at the virtual Christmas lunch. (cow, pirate, and northern lights)

3/13/2020: JIanna presented her new data for the Molecular Psychiatry division Friday meeting on Zoom. #FlattenTheCurve

11/15/2019: A matching sweaters day for Hao and Neil (welcome also to Heather, Lingxiao, and Jen-Hau who joined this Fall).

3/26/2019: Geeta Rao gave a wonderful presentation on senior thesis research at her residential college.

6/29/2017: Congrats to Farhan, who received an Alz Association Fellowship! He works with REU student Shaye Firmin this summer.

4/26/2017: Stephanie from the University of New Haven spent a year with us, and presented her senior thesis project.

4/17/2016: A friendly game of basketball at the lab party includes George, who is joining the lab for PhD studies. Welcome!

8/26/2015: Victoria was the first member of the lab. We are sad to see you go and wish you all the best!

7/29/2015: The three undergraduate research musketeers in the lab this summer: Sam, Jack, and Caroline.